Use of Juul Smoking Device Associated with Adverse Health Effects
by Mandy Hicks

By Bob Young
On September 9, 2019, the Food and Drug Administration issued a stern warning to Juul Labs. The FDA sent 2 letters to the e-cigarette manufacturer stating that it was troubled by Juul’s marketing and outreach practices. The agency cited a testimony from a July congressional hearing that described how a Juul representative told children in a school presentation that their product is “totally safe.”
“Regardless of where products like e-cigarettes fall on the continuum of tobacco product risk, the law is clear that, before marketing tobacco products for reduced risk, companies must demonstrate with scientific evidence that their specific product does in fact pose less risk or is less harmful,” said Acting FDA Commissioner Ned Sharpless in a statement. “JuuL has ignored the law, and has made some of these statements in school to our nation’s youth” according to Sharpless
Juul – manufactured by Juul Labs – is a popular smoking device that has become very popular in the e-cigarette market. Its concealable shape and offerings of fruity flavors target both adult and teen smokers.
Contrary to Juul Labs’ claims that its product is a safer alternative to smoking cigarettes, recent studies have found that Juul and other e-cigarettes actually expose users to a number of dangerous health risks commonly associated with cigarettes. Researchers have also found links to risks not commonly associated with traditional cigarettes, such as nicotine poisoning, “popcorn lung,” blood clots, seizures and convulsions. With the continued rise in Juul’s popularity, Juul lawsuits are beginning to be filed on behalf of Juul smokers nationwide. If you or your child has become addicted to the use of the Juul or suffered on of these symptoms, please contact us as we can help.
At ELPO Law, we are committed to fighting this health hazard and the unethical targeting of underage smokers through lawsuits against the makers of Juul. With our extensive resources and years of litigation experience, our team is fully prepared to take on the creators and owners of Juul to hold them accountable for the teens who have become addicted to nicotine.
If you or someone you know has suffered physical injuries as the result of the use of a vaping device like Juul, we can review your case with you, at no charge to you, to determine if you are eligible to file a claim. It is important to act quickly. Contact attorney Bob Young at (270) 781-6500 or for assistance with your case.
As always, there are no fees or expenses unless a recovery is obtained.