distracted driving


Eclipse driving: keep your eyes on the road

On Monday, we will have an unusual opportunity here in Bowling Green and all of South Central Kentucky: we will be a prime viewing area for the solar eclipse. This is incredibly exciting, so much so that schools are closed, local hotels are full and many special events are planned. Traffic is expected to be extremely heavy in our area as people make their way to prime viewing spots. Southern Bowling Green is expected to be one of the places that will experience totality – a total eclipse – along with Hopkinsville, which is touting itself as the point of the greatest eclipse and “eclipseville.” Nashville, too, will have great views, so you can expect plenty of traffic between Bowling Green and Music City as well.     Read More


Distracted driving is a dangerous and deadly practice

 We live in an increasingly fast-paced society in which people take on multiple activities at once to get more things done. The level of risk that accompanies this habit varies according to the tasks at hand. For instance, if a person decides to drink coffee while reading a book, the worst thing that will probably happen is that the book will get ruined by spilled coffee. But in distracted driving cases, the level of risk goes up substantially. When a driver attempts to do another task, such as sending a text message, changing music, or applying makeup, the risk of a serious injury or death is high. Our firm has seen multiple accidents in which people were seriously injured or even died due to distracted drivers. In an Atlanta case that's gotten national attention, a teenage driver was using SnapChat while driving and became involved in an accident in which a man was left with traumatic brain injuries. Part of the evidence in the case is a SnapChat screen shot that indicates the teen was driving more than 100 miles per hour. You can read about this case in an article on the TechCrunch news web site. If you're not familiar with it, SnapChat is a social media application for smart phones that allows users to record video or photos and add more information, drawings and writing over the photos. One of the ways to use SnapChat is to add a filter over the photo that shows more information about where the photo was taken. One option is a filter that shows speed. While that's fine to use if you're a passenger, and kinda fun to use if you're traveling 400 miles per hour on an airplane, it's a terrible idea to use this feature while driving. We feel like this should go without saying - but obviously, some need to hear it. Read More