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Risperdal case brings $2.5 million verdict against Johnson and Johnson

by Mandy Hicks


Plaintiffs seeking a judgment against Johnson & Johnson, the makers of the drug Risperdal, saw a big victory this week out of Philadelphia. A jury sided with the family of an autistic boy who grew size 44 DD breasts after taking Risperdal in 2002. The Wall Street Journal, along with many other publications, wrote about the verdict, which was handed down on February 24, 2015.

Growing breasts was one of several risks that Johnson & Johnson knew about but hid from the Food and Drug Administration, lawyers said. The condition is called gynecomastia. Some patients have been forced to undergo surgery to remove the breasts.

Due to the widespread use of this drug, our firm believes there are many patients who have taken Risperdal and may very well have suffered similar problems, or other side effects. ELPO is accepting cases against Johnson & Johnson, the maker of Risperdal, representing children and their families who have been harmed by Risperdal. The drug treats the symptoms of psychiatric disorders. In addition to gynecomastia, there is an increased risk of stroke and diabetes for patients taking Risperdal.

We want to help patients protect their rights, and encourage anyone who has taken Risperdal or who has a family member who has done so to contact us as soon as possible.

About Risperdal

Johnson & Johnson, and its Janssen pharmaceutical unit, have been faced with nearly 1,300 lawsuits from patients and their families involving Risperdal. News reports indicate that Johnson & Johnson has settled at least five cases involving the drug. Johnson & Johnson also paid $2.2 billion in 2012 to settle criminal and some civil allegations that it marketed the drug to the elderly and seniors, knowing the risks the drug held.

Risperdal is a psychiatric drug that has been on the market for many years. At one time, it was Johnson & Johnson’s best-selling drug. Though the company knew of the risks, it didn’t put a warning about breast growth in boys on the label of the medication until 2006, when it was approved for use on children. However, doctors had been writing prescriptions for its use in children for at least five years, plaintiffs’ attorneys noted. In fact, in this case, the patient had been prescribed Risperdal in 2002, while he was still a boy.

The Philadelphia verdict is good news for patients pursuing litigation against Johnson & Johnson for Risperdal claims. The verdict is considered to be a bellwether, which means it will indicate to the court how strong the evidence is against the company and how a jury might view the cases.

If you know of someone in Kentucky who has taken Risperdal, please tell them about this lawsuit and encourage them to contact us. We will provide a free initial consultation. Call us at (270) 781-6500 or use our online contact form.

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