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Partner Sarah Jarboe participates in endangered bat survey

by Mandy Hicks

Sarah Jarboe at Rockcastle cave
Sarah Jarboe

Partner Sarah Jarboe recently joined Nick Noble of the Rockcastle Shooting Center, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and others in conducting a bat survey in caves owned by Rockcastle in Edmondson County, KY. The group was focused on the endangered gray bats hibernating in the caves. Rockcastle Shooting Center at Park Mammoth Resort is a destination for shooters, offering recreational and tactical shooting ranges, firearms training, archery, paintball, a 100 room resort, vineyard and dining facilities.

The gray bats have been listed on the endangered species list since 1976, and ELPO is working with Rockcastle to help protect them and their habitat. The caves on Rockcastle property host the largest gray bat hibernacula and nursery in Kentucky. You can find out more about endangered gray bats here.









bats on the roof of a cave
Bats on the roof of the cave
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