Mike Owsley to serve on KY Chamber executive committee
by Mandy Hicks

Frankfort, Ky. – Mike Owsley was recently appointed to the executive committee of the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce.
Deb Moessner, president of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield in Kentucky, is serving as chairwoman of the Chamber’s 2011 Board of Directors. Moessner will head a 60-member board, representing a cross-section of Kentucky business and industry. The 2010 Chairman was Bill Jones, Community Division Manager for U.S. Bank. Chairman-elect for 2012 is Luther Deaton, chairman, president and CEO of Central Bank and Trust.
Serving with Owsley, Moessner, Jones and Deaton on the 2011 Executive Committee will be:
– Treasurer Mary Jean Riley, vice president of finance and administration for North American Stainless;
– Chris Herman, senior vice president of energy delivery for E.ON U.S.;
– James Booth, chief executive officer for Booth Energy;
– Nick Rowe, president of Kentucky American Water;
– Mary Pat Regan, president of AT&T Kentucky;
– Dr. Keith Gannon, chief executive officer for Boneal, Inc.;
– Dan Bork, vice president of tax for Lexmark International;
– Jeffrey Bringardner, president of Humana-Kentucky;
– Julie Janson, president of Duke Energy Corporation – Kentucky and Ohio;
– Elizabeth McCoy, president and CEO of Planters Bank.
A full board listing, including those continuing their terms, can be found at