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by Ashley Carter

In the early spring of 2021, Jeff* was enjoying a nice Saturday afternoon in Kentucky on his motorcycle when he was unexpectedly and violently struck by the driver of an SUV. The SUV was stopped at a sign while waiting to turn left on a four-lane road. Jeff* was traveling westbound on the four-lane road when the driver of the SUV negligently pulled out in front of him and crashed into his motorcycle. The severity of the impact caused Jeff* to be thrown off the motorcycle. As a result, Jeff* suffered a skull fracture, facial fracture, right ankle fracture, and right shoulder fracture with a rotator cuff tear. He was immediately transported to the ER via ambulance and admitted for surgery on his shoulder and treatment of his other injuries.

At the time of the incident, Jeff* was a healthy and active 28 year old working full time as an iron worker to support his young daughter. The multiple injuries that Jeff* suffered because of the crash prevented him from returning to work and eliminated the only source of income for him and his daughter. Jeff* was not physically able to work for over five months. When he did return, it was limited to “light duty” work only meaning no overhead lifting and no lifting over 20 pounds as his shoulder could not handle anything more.

During the time when he was unable to work, Jeff* accumulated more than $163,000 in medical bills and $20,000 in lost wages. The injuries that Jeff* suffered impacted more than just his ability to perform his duties at work. Due to the limited range of motion in his shoulder following surgery, he was unable to perform daily tasks at home like bending, pushing, pulling, lifting, and simply using his arm. This was extremely hard on Jeff* as a father of a young daughter. Many times, they could not do things they used to do before the collision.

After talking with Jeff*  and hearing his story of suffering due to the negligence of another driver, ELPO Law attorney J.A. Sowell knew that he had to do something to help get justice and secure financial relief for Jeff* and his daughter. J.A. used his experience and legal aptitude to fight hard in negotiations for Jeff* and was pleased when he was finally able to pick up the phone to call Jeff* to let him know that he would be receiving a check for over a half a million dollars ($591,266.57 to be exact).

When notified of the settlement that ELPO Law attorney J.A. Sowell was able to obtain on his behalf, Jeff* simply stated, “This is going to change our lives.”

If you or some you know are in a wreck, call J.A. Sowell immediately at 270-781-6500 so that he can start to go to work for you. The sooner you call after an incident the better so that J.A. can have all of the needed information directly from the beginning. There is no cost for an initial conversation with J.A. or any of the ELPO Law Personal Injury attorneys to decide what the next best steps might be. J.A. will fight hard for you and/or your family so that you do not experience financial hardship over the negligence of someone else and can receive the justice that you deserve.


*name changed to protect victim identity; all other details provided are 100% accurate


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