Bob Young interviewed for podcast, publishes chapter in book
by Mandy Hicks

Attorney Bob Young, currently serving as Chair of the American Bar Association‘s Law Practice Division, was interviewed for the Lawyerist podcast, and also recently wrote a chapter in a book.
Lawyerist began creating and distributing a podcast earlier this year, and interviewed Bob for the show’s 23rd episode. Bob discussed being a plaintiff’s lawyer in a defense firm, and explains what the ABA Law Practice Division is doing to help lawyers with marketing, management, finances, and technology. You can listen to the podcast here.
Leaders in Legal Business is an e-book available on as a PDF and e-book. Bob contributed a chapter on Bar and Legal Associations that explains how both types of organizations can benefit attorneys. You can read the book or download it here.An excerpt from Bob’s chapter:
Find a MentorAlmost every local and state bar association and every section, division, and forum of the ABA has a mentoring program available to its members. If you aren’t sure if your association does, ask. There are professional staff members who work for nearly every bar association, and they can point you in the right direction. Finding the right person to be able to answer your questions is a must. Remember, someone has traveled your road before and would be glad to help, even (and sometimes especially) if you are a solo practitioner. Mentors are so much more than an older lawyer giving you advice, and they are an e-mail or phone call away. A good mentor can give you advice on taking depositions; provide a copy of a pleading or form; or teach you how to deal with a difficult client or situation. The key is developing these relationships. Part of this is making sure you belong to the right organizations and not just belonging, but also being an active participant.