Adoption month highlights need for adoptive families
by Mandy Hicks

Adoption is a wonderful way to expand your family, says attorney Rebecca Simpson. November is National Adoption Month, which highlights this need and gives Rebecca an opportunity to discuss adoption with prospective parents.
Rebecca will discuss the class in an appearance on WBKO’s morning news program on Nov. 2 in a news segment that begins at approximately 6:30 a.m.
Rebecca is teaching a class in November on adoption through Community Education of Bowling Green. The course is Adoption: Expanding Families and Changing lives, and is set for Monday, November 14, at the Warren County Public Library Main Branch, 1225 State Street, Bowling Green. The course is 90 minutes, beginning at 5:30 p.m. For those who want to expand their families through adoption, the seminar will provide an opportunity to gain a basic understanding of the adoption process in Kentucky. Rebecca will provide an overview of laws in Kentucky pertaining to adoption and information on the adoption process.
The course costs $5 and is open to the public. For more information or to sign up for the class, visit the Community Education website.
Rebecca has been practicing in the field of family law for 17 years.
National Adoption Month is an initiative sponsored by the Children’s Bureau, in partnership with AdoptUSKids and Child Welfare Information Gateway. Each November, National Adoption Month brings awareness to the needs of children and youth seeking and waiting a “forever family.” This year, specific attention is being paid to the needs of the thousands of older youth, ages 15–18, who face the challenges of aging out of foster care and beginning their independent, young adult lives.